Sally Tilleray is the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director on the MindGym Board. Sally joined the Board in July 2018 and is Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. From 1999 to 2003, Sally held the role of CFO Europe for Predictive Inc., an IT network consulting business which undertook an IPO on Nasdaq in 2000. Sally then served as Group Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer at Huntsworth plc, the international public relations and healthcare communications group, from 2004 to 2014. Sally is an experienced marketing services agency executive and became Non-Executive Chairman of digital agency UNRLVD during 2020. In 2019, she became a Non-Executive Director of NAHL plc, the AIM-listed consumer legal focused marketing and services business, in 2021 she became a Non-Executive Director of AIM-listed Skillcast plc, the leading supplier of corporate compliance eLearning in the UK and in 2023 she became the Senior Independent Non-Executive of Fadel plc the AIM – listed brand compliance, rights management and royalty billing software provider. She is also the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of Nominet. Committee membership: Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.