04 June 2023
Great performance deserves recognition to match. When done right, being recognised improves engagement, productivity, and motivation. When done wrong, or not at all, it can have almost the opposite effect. With so much at stake, it’s vital we get this response just right.
Here are five simple ways to recognise your employees:
Have you ever given someone a hardy ‘congratulations,’ only to be met with blank stares? Context is key when giving recognition. Be sure to cite specific actions and their impact when giving recognition.
Recognition is most effective when it happens immediately after the behaviour or result. Wait too long and it becomes irrelevant to the employee.
Would you reward an employee’s million-dollar deal with a coffee and a pat on the back? I don’t think so. When there is a mismatch between a reward's value and the achievement level, the reward can actually be demotivating - and even breed resentment.
Don’t reach for your wallet too fast—67% of employees reported that praise from managers was rated the top motivator for performance. Remember, money is important, but your team is motivated by much more than receiving a pretty penny.
We care more about our rewards relative to others than in absolute terms. Make sure all employees are up for equal consideration when it comes to being recognised, but are differentiated based on their performance and contributions.
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